Cellular Concepts MCQ

Cellular Concepts MCQ

Cellular Concepts MCQ, Multiple Choice Questions on Cellular Concepts, MCQ on Cellular Concept, Mobile Communication Objective Questions, Mobile Communication MCQ, Engineering MCQ,

Objective Type Questions

Q.1.  The following are the elements of the cellular mobile radio system.

  • Receiver and transmitter
  • Mobile unit and control unit
  • C/I reduction factor and cell splitting
  • Hand-off and receiver

Answer: C/I reduction factor and cell splitting

Q.2. If the average calling time is T and maximum calls in one hour in one cell is Qi then the offered load will be,

  • Qi2T
  • QiT/60
  • QiT2
  • QiT/30

Answer: QiT/60

Q.3. The concept of repeating the same frequency is known as …………….. and the cells using the same frequencies are known as …………………..

  • Cell splitting, adjacent cells
  • Frequency reuse, adjacent channels cells
  • Frequency reuse, co-channel cells
  • Cell sectoring cells

Answer: Frequency reuse, co-channel cells

Q.4. If ‘D’ is the distance between two co-channel cells and ‘R’ is the cell radius then D/R is known as

  • Adjacent channel interference reduction factor
  • Co-channel interference reduction factor
  • Adjacent and co-channel interference reduction factor
  • None of the above

Answer: Co-channel interference reduction factor

Q.5. If N is the reuse pattern and R is the radius of a cell, then, frequency reuse distance (D) is given as

  • D=3NR
  • D=3N^{2}\sqrt{R}
  • D=3NR^{2}
  • D=(\sqrt{3N})R

Answer: D=(\sqrt{3N})R

Q.6. For N = 4 and N = 19 reuse cellular patterns, the frequency reuse distance are ……… and ……..

  • 3.46 R and 4.6 R
  • 3.46 R and 6 R  
  • 6 R and 7.55 R
  • 3.46 R and 7.55 R

Answer: 3.46 R and 7.55 R

Q.7. In an N cell reuse pattern, the equation of N is,

  • N = (i + j)2
  • N = i2 + ij + j2
  • N = i + j + 2j
  • N = j + 2i

Answer: N = i2 + ij + j2

Q.8. For N = 7 reuse pattern, the co-channel interference reduction factor q is ……..

  • D/R = 5.6
  • D/R = 7.6
  • D/R = 6
  • D/R = 4.6

Answer: D/R = 4.6

Q.9. When the mobile moves from the original cell to a new cell and the call in progress has to be continued smoothly. It is known as,

  • Cell sectoring
  • Handoff technique
  • Desectorization
  • Coverage

Answer: Handoff technique

Q.10. The cell splitting is done as per traffic demand available in the cell is known as,

  • Permanent cell splitting
  • Dynamic cell splitting
  • Semi-permanent splitting
  • Static cell splitting

Answer: Dynamic cell splitting

Q.11. In general, after cell splitting technique new cell radius is

  • (Old cell radius)2
  • (Old cell radius)3
  • Old cell radius/π
  • Old cell radius/2

Answer: Old cell radius/2

Q.12. MTSO does the following functions

  • Performs all internal switching of the calls
  • Does not perform internal switching
  • Autonomously locates mobile
  • Manages data communication

Answer: Performs all internal switching of the calls

Q.13. In cellular system antennas, the front-to-back ratio of directional antenna is ……………….. in free space and ………… in cell site.

  • 30 dB, 12 dB
  • 20 dB, 10 dB
  • 10 dB, 15 dB
  • 40 dB, 30 dB

Answer: 20 dB, 10 dB

Q.14. Interference in neighboring cells is reduced by ……………….

  • Antenna tilting
  • Gain adjustment
  • Impedance
  • Antenna height

Answer: Antenna tilting

Q.15. The capacity of the switching system in the cellular system is based on the following.

  • Number of switch ports
  • Battery condition
  • Reducing switch ports
  • Processor capacity

Answer: Processor capacity

Q.16. The service life of switching equipment is not determined by,

  • How long it takes to attain its full capacity
  • Temperature
  • Life cycle of equipment
  • None of the above

Answer: Life cycle of equipment

Q.17. To increase the capacity of the equipment in case of designing switching equipment as modules is

  • Modules distribution
  • Modules can be reduced
  • More modules can be added
  • Modules need not altered

Answer: More modules can be added

Q.18. Data line ………………….. 

  • Cannot carry multiple channel data
  • Can carry multiple cannel data
  • Is not affected by cellular system
  • Is affected by cellular system

Answer: Can carry multiple cannel data

Q.19. The macro and microcells are available in,

  • Handoff
  • Cell sectorization
  • Co-channel cellular region
  • Umbrella cell pattern

Answer: Umbrella cell pattern

Q.20. Consider there are 5 cell sites C1 to C5. A user enters from 1 cell site to another cell with 4 rain. If all the cells are of equal distance at 12 min from stating point in which cell the user will be?

  • In C4
  • At boundary of C3
  • In C5
  • In C2

Answer: In C4

Q.21. The cell using different carrier frequencies in a cluster is

  • Co-channel cell
  • Macro cell
  • Adjacent cell
  • Micro cell

Answer: Adjacent cell

Q.22. If the cluster size N = 19 then the shift parameters (i, j) are

  • 2, 3
  • 1, 3
  • 3, 3
  • 3, 2

Answer: 3, 2

Q.23. If the average calling time is T and maximum calls in one hour in one cell is Q then the offered load (A) in erlangs will be,

  • A = Q2T/360
  • A = QT/60
  • A = QT2/30
  • A = QT/120

Answer: A = QT/60

Q.24. In Q.23, if Q is 4000, T is 1.76 min, the offered load will be ……………

  • 119
  • 117
  • 216
  • 115

Answer: 117

Q.25. In Q.23, if Q is 29000 calls per hour, blocking probability is 2% and T is 1.76 min, then offered load is ………….. 

  • 8620
  • 7650
  • 850
  • 450

Answer: 850

MCQ on Cell Site and Mobile Antenna

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