Microwave Measurements MCQ
Microwave Measurements MCQ, Multiple Choice Questions on Microwave Measurements, Objective Questions on Microwave Measurements, Engineering MCQ, Microwave Engineering Engineering MCQ,
Multiple Choice Questions
Q.1. The microwave bench in the lab is designed to work in the band ________
- X band
- L band
- S band
- C band
Answer: X band
Q.2. The mode used in the laboratory bench is ________
- dominant mode
- degenerate mode
- any one of the above two
- none
Answer: dominant mode
Q.3. The cutoff wavelength of the bench is ________
- 2a
- 2b
- cf
- none
Answer: 2a
Q.4. The method used to measure high VSWR is ________
- slotted-line method
- Double minimum method
- both
- none
Answer: Double minimum method
Q.5. Low VSWR method can be used to measure VSWR up to ________
- ten
- five
- three
- none
Answer: ten
Q.6. The range of VSWR in dB indicated in the VSWR meter is ________
- 0–2 dB
- 0–10 dB
- 0–5 dB
- 0–100 dB
Answer: 0–10 dB
Q.7. The temperature coefficient of the Thermistor is ________
- positive
- negative
- zero
- none
Answer: negative
Q.8. Barretters have ________
- positive temp efficient of resistance
- negative temp coefficient of resistance
- both
- none
Answer: positive temp efficient of resistance
Q.9. The impedance of the line to the left of voltage minimum is ________
- inductive
- capacitive
- high resistance
- low resistance
Answer: inductive
Q.10. The impedance of the line to the right of voltage minimum is ________
- inductive
- capacitive
- high resistance
- low resistance
Answer: capacitive
Q.11. The bolometer that has a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity is called
- barretter
- varistor
- thermistors
- calorimeter
Answer: thermistors
Q.12. For impedance measurement, the following oscillator is used:
- Reflex klystron tube oscillator
- Gunn oscillator
- both
- either reflex klystron or Gunn oscillator
Answer: either reflex klystron or Gunn oscillator
Q.13. The “Double Minimum” method is relevant to the measurement of
- low attenuation coefficient
- high attenuation coefficient
- high VSWR
- low VSWR
Answer: high VSWR
Q.14. A 75-ohm transmission line is first terminated and the minima locations are noted. When the short is replaced by a resistive load RL, the minima locations are not altered and the VSWR is measured to be 3. What is the value of RL?
- 25 ohms
- 50 ohms
- 225 ohms
- 250 ohms
Answer: 225 ohms
Q.15. On a resistively terminated high-frequency loss-less transmission line fed by a 500 MHz source, the VSWR is found to be equal to 2 and the first voltage minimum is measured at 30 cm from the load end. What is the value of the “normalized” load resistance?
- 3
- 2
- 1/2
- 1/4
Answer: 2